8:00 am – 16:00 pm
本會第一屆學術研討會四月十七日,於台中順天經貿廣場舉辦,這次除了邀請到國際級大師,英國Dr Sherif探討生殖泌尿老化(GSM)的治療外,還安排很多專家醫師來講述注射與光電類的運用,蔡旭坤醫師分享新型填充劑於外陰的注射,洪芝晨醫師陰道雷射CO2 laser的治療經驗分享,蘇棋楓醫師也為大家介紹尿道內注射(bulking agent)的未來發展,更重要是特別邀請劉孟哲醫師以及廖韻涵醫師分享,在診所或在醫院若想發展婦科美容該如何跨出第一步,這會是很多醫師們想學習如何慢慢走入婦科祕境,活動內容精彩,敬邀各領域專業人士與醫師們一同共襄盛舉學習互動。
8:00 am – 16:00 pm
2022 年 4 月 17 日
台中順天經貿廣場 B2
New concept of what does a “woman’s health” meaning has the major changes. This is no longer means the absence of any disease – it means a high quality of life, subjective contentment with self-images. That is why aesthetic gynecology has boldly entered the forefront of modern medicine.
New concept of what does a “woman’s health” meaning has the major changes. This is no longer means the absence of any disease – it means a high quality of life, subjective contentment with self-images. That is why aesthetic gynecology has boldly entered the forefront of modern medicine.
蔡旭坤醫師分享新型填充劑於外陰的注射,洪芝晨醫師陰道雷射CO2 laser的治療經驗分享,蘇棋楓醫師為大家介紹尿道內注射(bulking agent)的未來發展,更重要是特別邀請劉孟哲醫師以及廖韻涵醫師分享,如何在診所或在醫院開啟婦科美容發展..